“When you grow up living with domestic violence, your brain doesn’t know how to deal with that…it’s a spiritual pain.”

– Tony Robbins, from the foreword in the book ‘Invincible’

You Are Not Alone – 1 in 8 People Experienced CDV

graphic showing that 1 in 7 people experience Childhood Domestic Violence

If you grew up living with domestic violence in your childhood home, you may think you are the only one. But the truth is, hundreds of millions of people, on every continent, experience  Childhood Domestic Violence.  Globally, nearly 1 billion lives are directly impacted.  You are not alone.

A graphic showing that CDV is a global problem.

275 Million

growing up with domestic violence

725 Million

were impacted as children

A map of the U.S. showing 15 million children in the US are impacted today and 40 million adults were impacted as children

15 Million children

impacted by CDV today

40 Million adults

were impacted as children

275 Million children

growing up with domestic violence

725 Million children

were impacted as children

15 Million children

impacted by CDV today

40 Million adults

were impacted as children

“Because of what I went through, there’s nothing I can’t do now.”

You can learn more about Chelsea, Roger & Carlie as their stories along with many others were featured in, INVINCIBLE.

Chelsea’s Story

“Because of what I went through, there’s nothing I can’t do now. I have already faced so much fear in my life, everything else seems so small in comparison.”

Roger’s Story

“My life almost ended on that hot August night. But it didn’t. It helped me figure out what I wasn’t going to be, and what I wasn’t going to do with my life
from that night on.  Awareness was key.”

Carlie’s Story

“Things changed for the better the moment I learned that I experienced childhood domestic violence. It shined a light on the missing puzzle piece of my life.  For me, that was a breakthrough.”

Share with another, share with yourself.

If you or someone you care for experienced CDV, it had an impact. Learn more… 

One of the first and most important steps is to share. According to experts, sharing is one of the most effective ways to overcome the impact – because conversation transforms the meaning. When we know that we are not alone, that others experienced what we experienced, that makes it easier to share.

If sharing with another doesn’t feel right, that is understandable, then consider sharing with yourself.  You can write whatever you wish.  No one else need ever read it, so don’t worry about grammar or making it sound ‘right’.  The secret is just to write.

Or as an alternative, consider continuing your journey here, with us.  Options below will allow you to read more stories, learn how to change the narrative and when you are ready, to share your story.


A woman comforting a man
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