We at CDV are sending you warm thoughts of thanks, in reflection on the past few months.

We are so grateful for the continued support from our social media followers, volunteers and participants. Your success stories are inspiring and your struggles are honest and real. We are working with tremendous dedication and urgency to provide help and healing for those who experienced Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV), and for those who know, love, work with, teach or mentor anyone who did.

check list

This year was remarkable for us. We released our unique, first-of-its-kind book,
on September 30th, which has received an exceptional response. In addition, we elevated awareness of this issue and a commitment to address it with nearly 40 leading local and national partners, among them UNICEF, the NYC Department of Education, Boys & Girls Clubs, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the American Academy of Pediatrics and many more.

Here are a few highlights from the past quarter:

INVINCIBLE, which speaks directly to anyone who grew up living with domestic violence or anyone who cares about someone who did, hit #1 on Amazon for Self Help and stayed at the top during the month of October.

● We asked people to “hashtag” #InvincibleTheBook when speaking about it on Twitter and it trended #4 on October 19th.

Marlo Thomas interviewed CDV Founder Brian F. Martin, extending efforts to educate more and more people about the importance of building awareness and understanding of CDV.

● Many of you took a few minutes of your time and left excellent book reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. We thank you immensely for sharing your impressions. If you haven’t read INVINCIBLE yet, take a look at the Amazon page to see what is being said about it.

● We distributed free copies of INVINCIBLE to thousands of non-profit locations nationwide.

We are also immensely grateful to leading life coach and CDV supporter Tony Robbins. By lending his iconic voice, not only to this book video but also to the INVINCIBLE Foreword, he helped bring added visibility to the critical issue of CDV.

INVINCIBLE  has been called “a gift” countless times by multiple readers. Consider giving it as a gift to someone in need this holiday season. It could help change their life. Many who experience CDV feel particularly SAD or ALONE this time of year. But these are LIES they learned growing up – two of the 10 common Lies featured in INVINCIBLE. You can be “The One” to share the TRUTH with them. Instead of succumbing to these LIES, you can help them embrace GRATITUDE and TRUST in others, as they begin to focus on all they have achieved and everyone who cares for them.

During this time of reflection and gratitude, we thank you for being part of this movement! To learn more about this social issue impacting 1 billion people globally, visit us anytime at Consider sharing what you have learned about CDV with friends, co-workers, and loved ones and being a leader on this issue within your own personal network. With 1 in 7 impacted, you never know whose life you will change.

We will continue to share, foster understanding, and build awareness among the 1 billion who are impacted by CDV globally and all of those who are part of their lives. Thanks so much for taking this journey with us!

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