FREE Book Distribution Campaign Reaches 14,000+ Locations, Significant Social Reach

We want to thank you for your loyalty, commitment to the movement, and support of our work. As the organization makes exciting strides forward, we still need you, our faithful supporters, and tremendously appreciate your contribution to spreading the message, building awareness, and sharing the solutions and resources.

The Book Distribution Campaign 

By far our most successful campaign over the past year was the distribution of almost 18,000 FREE copies of our New York Times Best Seller INVINCIBLE to over 14,000 physical locations through nearly 40 leading partner organizations, including: the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, Boys & Girls Clubs or America, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the National Children’s Advocacy Center, the NYC Department of Education and many more. Below are the final numbers on books distributed through this campaign.

– 4 partners received over 1,000 books
– 3 partners received over 500 books
– 7 partners received over 100 books
– 4 partners received over 50
– 16 partners received multiple copies

The remaining books were distributed on an individual basis to smaller organizations or select individuals, who received a single copy.

We are working with each partner to strengthen the relationships and offer support to optimize this unique resource with their respective staff and constituents, enhancing their efforts & goals.

whats new at cdv
Significant Growth in Social Awareness & Engagement 

On February 1st, we had our highest performing Facebook post ever, reaching 312,192 people and still counting!

Maybe you remember the NO MORE ad that was aired during the Super Bowl: a woman calling 911 and pretending to order a pizza, then the 911 operator quickly realizing what was really happening (domestic violence) and dispatching help.

While this ad was certainly long past due, so is the ad you likely will never see, that captures the frightening 911 call placed by a 6-year old facing the same circumstances. The childhood experience is almost always overlooked when speaking about domestic violence. This is what our post highlighted, bringing added attention to Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) and its impact.

We also had an engaging discussion with @SpousesInSports on Twitter during one of their #SISCussions focused on domestic violence, during which many new influencers learned of CDV and the resources. We hope to continue and strengthen these new relationships overtime.

You too can be a significant part of something significant

1) Make a difference by only taking a couple of minutes each week!
We would love to have you join and bring the conversation to others. By simply commenting on or sharing our posts with others, you can help ensure that many impacted by CDV are able to learn about how it has impacted their lives and the unique resources available to them that have never existed before. 1 in 7 people are impacted – and most neither know what to call it nor how to overcome its negative impact. You can change that. To learn about becoming an SMV, please email

2) Have your organization partner with ours to help those in need
If you’re part of an organization or work with one that could benefit from our resources but would need help implementing them, we’re happy to partner with you and help every step of the way. To learn more, please reach out to

3) Join the effort in other ways – let’s work together to determine how you can help
Do you have other ideas on being involved? Are you considering starting a local CDV chapter or branch? We’re happy to support you. Please reach out to to learn more.

4) Make a contribution
Even a small donation of $5, $10, or $15 can go a long way as we work to develop and deploy groundbreaking, FREE resources to those who desperately need them. Consider a small gift and you can make a big difference! CLICK HERE to make a donation.

We’re truly grateful for your partnership and support. Thank you for being part of the solution!

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