By Brian F. Martin

I will often share the stories of those who experienced adversity in childhood where they were not the direct target of the abuse. I do this to illustrate that any person who experiences adversity in childhood is profoundly psychologically impacted, regardless of whether or not any physical trauma is sustained. But many who grow up in these homes are also the direct target of the abuse themselves, facing not just 1 childhood adversity –CDV – but also a 2nd adversity – child abuse. And many face 3 or more, such as divorce, drug or alcohol abuse by a parents, incarceration of a parent, emotional abuse, etc, etc.Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 11.49.57 PM

I’d like to tell you the story of Faith, who certainly experienced multiple adversities in her childhood home. Faith witnessed and experienced extreme violence as a child and now shares her story as a cautionary tale. Fortunately, as we’ll see in later posts she eventually freed herself from the tragedy of her childhood.

Click HERE to read about Faith’s experience with the WORTHLESS lie at

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