By C. Campbell

One year ago December I packed my three boys in my car and drove cross country from California to Florida not knowing were I was going or how I would get there. Just knowing were I was headed was going to be better than my present position. 3 months after having my C-section, I knew it was time. If I didn’t leave now, I’d leave in a body bag.

One year ago December, I wanted to be anywhere but on earth, I felt ugly, unattractive and little. I had lost control of the wheel to my life and I was speeding downhill. I was scared to live in my own 4 bedroom house I owned.

One year ago December, I decided I deserved better. I decided to take control of my future. I woke up one morning and said (screw) it. It’s now or never and I ran. I ran and ran to the local police department. With my ex tailing me I ran, because my life depended in it.

One year ago December, I changed my life forever for the better. I took a stance for myself. I realized I deserved better and became determined to make it so.

Was it easy? Hell No (I cried the whole drive across the country).

Did I struggle: Yes, like hell.

Was it worth it? Hell Yes!

To anyone reading this, if you are in an abusive relationship, you deserve better. Don’t be afraid. Carefully plan your next move and take the first step to change! You can do it. I did, so I know you can!

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