Why is it that when domestic violence is in the news, we rarely ever hear about the children who are growing up with it in their homes – those who’re experiencing Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV)? And why don’t we hear about the great initiatives taking place in local communities to help these children?

childhood-domestic-violence-children-impactedThere are several reasons. First, most people don’t know CDV is even “a thing” because there’s less than 15% awareness. Despite the fact that it impacts 15+ million children in the US today, CDV was the only one of the 10 major childhood adversities identified in the ACE study – the gold standard in the field – that didn’t have an actual name. Even researchers have struggled to agree what to call it over the past 3 decades and no universal name has existed to validate the experience of the 1 in 7 people impacted. It is the last remaining unknown major childhood adversity.

childhood-domestic-violence-statisticsMost people don’t know that growing up in a home with domestic violence makes you:

• 6x more likely to commit suicide

• 50% more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol

• 74% more likely to commit violent crimes

Luckily, some innovative individuals and organizations are beginning to understand CDV and its insidious effects. 

And they are doing something about it.

Here are a few stories of this type of community heroes, who’re taking a stand and making a difference:

children-handsA domestic violence shelter in Colorado is educating its staff about the impact of CDV and providing a safe place to help children who are growing up in homes with domestic violence. Click HERE to learn about what they are doing.

police-imageA new Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team created by the Manchester, NH Police Department was started to help children experiencing CDV. Click HERE to learn why the Chief of Police says this “… could change a child growing up.”

We still have much more work to do in order to build awareness of this critical issue. But progress is being made thanks to organizations like the two mentioned above.

Is there a person or group you know of that is helping children growing up with CDV?

We want to continue highlighting on social media and in our newsletters the wonderful work being done across the country to tackle CDV. Let us know by replying to this email or clicking the button below.

I know someone who is helping children impacted by CDV

Would you like to help make a difference?

If you wish to support our efforts to build awareness and share groundbreaking programs and tools with those impacted, to help change their lives, please click HERE to donate. Feel free to email us at info@cdv.org about volunteering or helping in another way.

Thanks so much for your support!



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