According to the CDC, each year more than 6% of all children in the US are exposed to domestic violence. And strikingly, among the most affected by are the youngest.

In 2020, Case Western Reserve University conducted a survey study with over 100 Ohio agencies to better understand the problem and explore potential strategies to better address key service, policy and research needs. A big challenge brought to light by the survey was the struggle to reduce the fragmented approach by different agencies and foster paths to collaboration.

This initiative also resulted in recommendations around building awareness and understanding of emotional and coping skills into childhood education curricula, as research nationally indicates that children who experience domestic violence are at a significantly greater risk for emotional and physical setbacks, including depression, anger and aggression issues, and feelings of isolation, among a multitude of other challenges.

To read the full article, “No ‘one-size-fits-all solution’ for children exposed to domestic violence, researchers say”, you can visit EUREKALERT! | AAAS at the link that follows:

While roughly 1 in 7 children is impacted by #CDV, the training and education opportunities that adequately prepare and equip professionals who work with them fall far short of the scope of the problem. To address this, CDVA’s new online professional certification program, the Resiliency Focused Mentoring Training (RFMT), is designed to provide a detailed-step-by step intervention approach for professionals that directly reflects some of the recommendations in this article. This comprehensive 5-hour certification curriculum provides 5 CE credits and incorporates the most salient neuroscience and psychology research as well as the core principles of resiliency theory and best practices in the field, to properly train and prepare professionals working with these children in a high touch way to help foster their coping skills, build their resiliency, and be effective agents of change. See more here: Resiliency Focused Mentoring Training

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