Check Out Our Expert-Developed Tools

They Can Build Your Knowledge and Give You a Roadmap for Facilitating Positive Transformations!

Are You a Professional or Freelancer in a Related Field Passionate about the Well-being of Children?

So if you’re a professional working daily in a high-touch way with children impacted by major adversities like Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) – or adults who used to be these children and still struggle – or someone who likely comes into contact with many of them (often without even realizing), you may find our award-winning, expert-vetted tools helpful. They were built for anyone who grew up with domestic violence or anyone who cares about someone who did.

These tools are meant for impacted adults who still struggle plus for any supportive professionals seeking to help them or increase their awareness and understanding, so they can optimize interventions with these individuals. So if you work in child development, youth crisis prevention, domestic violence, or any other human services field that comes into regular contact with children (or former children) impacted by major adversities – you would likely benefit from these tools.

Our Tools Can Serve as Roadmaps or Teaching Guides to Help You Optimize Interventions with Those Impacted

CDV.ORG Invincible These solutions have changed the game

You may have already found there are few tools and resources out there to serve as “lesson plans” or help guide and empower you to effectively intervene with someone who grew up with a major adversity and is struggling in life. These resources do…as do our multi-level trainings.

You may have picked up a few books or discovered some trainings that seemed promising but fell short and left you feeling ill-prepared to broach or effectively navigate the topic with an impacted person or to take confident actions that will sooth, comfort, and empower them.

Our Toolkit Is a Catch-All for Our Most Impactful Tools & Our the Training Guide Walks You Step-By-Step Through Them

CDV.ORG CDV Toolkit logo

Our CDV Toolkit – developed in collaboration with leading global experts using the most impactful research and best known practices in the field – includes scalable tools in multiple formats, as we know different people learn differently. They’re evidence-based, overlap and compliment each other in numerous ways, reinforcing the same key concepts and principles and multiplying the learning.

From a NYC Bestseller to 2 award-winning documentaries, to 2 CDV Truth Pendants…the toolkit guides you to help someone impacted unlearn negative beliefs and habits and replace them with positive coping skills and empowering practices through simple but powerful techniques that can reverse the damage and put them on a new path to their potential. Learn more about each tool…