Can Children Experience Depression?

Can Children Experience Depression?

Written by Shirley Sanguino Often, we find ourselves wondering, how can a child be depressed? What could possibly be contributing to their depression at such a young age? As someone who experienced childhood depression, I know it can be pretty difficult to feel all...
What everyone should know about domestic violence (DV)

What everyone should know about domestic violence (DV)

There is so much to understand and things to know about domestic violence (DV).  It impacts the health and well-being of those families involved, but also has an impact on communities and society. Research is conducted regularly on DV, and it has its own national...
How to Help a Child Living With Domestic Violence (DV)

How to Help a Child Living With Domestic Violence (DV)

In the United States, 1 in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence (DV) each year, and 90% of these children witness the violence that occurs in their homes. These are daunting statistics. Perhaps you know of and want to help a child living with domestic violence...
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