“I cannot change the past, however I can change the future by raising awareness of childhood domestic violence.”
Dr. Linda Olsen, Clinical Psychologist
Do you work to support those who may have experienced childhood domestic violence?
Do you work with those who may have experienced Childhood Domestic Violence?
If so, we have developed scalable tools that professionals have said, “change the game”. Our tools are designed to be utilized by adults who support children and adults who experience childhood domestic violence.
Many of the tools are available under the tools and resources section. Whether utilizing our worksheets which provide a step by step guide to the key sections of the book INVINCIBLE or our age appropriate films or online training programs, all are designed to be straightforward and simple to use.
Our tools can serve as a roadmap or teaching guide to help you optimize interactions with those impacted
There are few tools and resources that can serve as “lesson plans” to help guide and empower you to effectively support someone who experienced childhood domestic violence. We work to build tools specifically designed to fill that void.
“I learned practical methods on how to apply concepts I learned in the course in real life. My counseling will be better because of the material presented in this course. One thing in particular I learned are things to say to children facing hopelessness and worthlessness.” Daisy, social worker.
“These tools have changed the game!” Illinois state coalition
Whether you are an individual directly working with those who experienced childhood domestic violence or a leader of an organization whose mission it is to serve others in need who may have experienced childhood domestic violence, this toolkit was designed with you in mind.
The CDV Toolkit is accompanied by a Toolkit Training Guide, which guides users through the contents and provides a simple ‘how to’ with respect to utilizing individual elements.