domestic violence,
you experienced …
Domestic Violence
and you are more than you know.
Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) is when a person experiences domestic violence in their childood home. Through the lens of childhood, domestic violence is violence between parents or twards a parent by a significant other. It can be physical or nonphysical. And unlike most other universally understood childhood adversities – like physical child abuse or sexual abuse – CDV remains largely unknown with less than 10% awareness. Even among those who experience it. More…
THE REACH: 1 in 7 people are impacted – 1 billion lives globally
According to experts, 1 in 7 people experience CDV globally, although most are unaware they experienced something, what to call it, or that it had an impact on them. According to Unicef, 275 million childnre face CDV globally. Roughly 725 million adults alive today experienced it as children. In the US alone, 40 million adults experienced it in childhood and 15 million children are living with it. More…

275 million children
725 million adults

15 million children
40 million adults
THE IMPACT: CDV can leave a deep mental imprint that can profoundly impact key areas of life into adulthood
Childhood Domestic Violence negatively wires a developing brain and the formation of the cognitive belief system. It instills a common cluster of negative beliefs that, if unchallenged, can last well into adulthood, leading to psychological, emotional, social, and behavioral issues. This is associated with many negative outcomes and statistics. More…
While they may leave behind the adversity of their childhood, they’re unable to live the lives they want to lead today.
– Dr. Renee McDonald
Leading CDV Expert
Whether you experienced CDV yourself, care for someone who did, or are a professional working to help someone impacted, you are not alone. Also, please know the impact CAN be overcome.
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