How Do We Unlearn the Lies Learned in Childhood?

How Do We Unlearn the Lies Learned in Childhood?

Every day we have opportunities to unlearn lies we may have learned. Many of the lies that we believe about ourselves were seeded in childhood. Especially if you grew up in violent home. A home in which the violence could have been physical or nonphysical. Those...

The Unsung Gifts of Adversity

The Unsung Gifts of Adversity

No one wishes to have had a difficult or painful childhood. Such adversity scars people for life. Yet if you grew up living with domestic violence, you were forced to develop skills, awareness and abilities that can set you up for immense success now and into your...

What Is the One Truth You Must Know?

What Is the One Truth You Must Know?

“The worst guilt to accept is an undeserved guilt.” –Ayn Rand, Atlas ShruggedIf you grew up living with domestic violence, it is highly likely that you carry with you a false sense of GUILT – a false sense of shame. You believe that you are somehow guilty or that you...

Growing Up with Domestic Violence Makes You Stronger

When I tell people that I grew up in a home where there was severe domestic violence, I get a few different reactions. For some, it’s pity – “Oh. poor you. How did you ever survive that?” For others, it’s disbelief – “But how could you have grown up like that? You’re...

Ordinary Magic: Resilience Processes in Development

Ordinary Magic: Resilience Processes in Development

By Ann MastenAnn Masten's study of resilience in development reveals surprising conclusions on the "ordinariness of resilience" - "Resilience does not come from rare and special qualities, but from the everyday magic of ordinary, normative human resources in the...