Tools & Resources

Our Newest Program
Courage Unleashed

Courage Unleashed: 45 Days to Becoming Invincible is a 45-day online self-empowerment program that was created to unlock your full potential.

Childhood Domestic Violence Courage Unleashed Program
Childhood Domestic Violence CDV Toolkit

Our Tools & Toolkit

Using leading research and best known practices in the field, the Association develops and deploys scalable tools. Our evidence-based resources are meant to educate, train, and empower anyone who grew up living with domestic violence and those who love or work with someone who did.

Change A Life Program

CHANGE A LIFE can teach you in 40 minutes how to become The ONE for a child growing up with domestic violence – a caring adult who steps in with simple support and message of hope, to help foster a child’s resiliency and help change their life.

Childhood Domestic Violence Change A Life program
Childhood Domestic Violence Change A Life program

Change A Life Program

CHANGE A LIFE can teach you in 40 minutes how to become The ONE for a child growing up with domestic violence – a caring adult who steps in with simple support and message of hope, to help foster a child’s resiliency and help change their life.

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