IN-VIN-CI-BLE: Unable to be overcome

If you know you’ve not yet reached your full potential, this program will show you how. If you want to help another do the same, this program will give you the tools.

Why Courage Unleashed?

If you grew up living with domestic violence, there is something you need to know.

Childhood Domestic Violence Courage Unleashed Tony Robbins

When you grow up living with domestic violence, witnessing those you love tear each other down with physical and verbal blows, your brain doesn’t know how to deal with that. It affects your subconscious.

-Tony Robbins

You’re not alone.

This program is revolutionary and could fundamentally change the world. My capacity to accomplish my goals has increased exponentially.

– Sheba

Transformation will occur.

– Lisa

This truly has been a life altering experience.

– Annette

I feel better about myself and realize that because I went through what I did, I am now stronger and not weaker.

– Mike

I’ve been able to get my health and weight in check.

– Michelle

I am more productive and more driven.

– Kelsey

Physically I feel better, emotionally I feel stronger, and spiritually I feel grateful.

– Amy
Childhood Domestic Violence Courage Unleashed laptop

The ultimate truth

“Our experience of growing up living with domestic violence has given us the equipment – a secret weapon if you will – to overcome all kinds of obstacles in our life. What we went through, those things we faced as children have left us with vast inner reserves of strength, compassion and courage. These are the gifts we were given in exchange for the price we paid as children.”

—Courage Unleashed

For the over 275 million children and 725 million adults who grew up in a home living with domestic violence (Childhood Domestic Violence), the era of silence is over. Instead of ignoring the past, there is now a way to utilize everything that you experienced. Millions have used the pain from their past to propel them into a successful future. Now, more than ever, it is time to share their secrets.

Courage Unleashed: 45 Days to Being Invincible is for anyone who grew up living with domestic violence – or cares about someone who did.

Remember, as someone who experienced injustice in childhood, you share common traits with some of the most successful people who have ever lived. Because of what you experienced, you uniquely can!

Brian F. Martin, Author of the NY Times Best Seller
Invincible: The 10 Lies You Learned Growing Up With Domestic Violence and the Truths to Set You Free

Is Courage Unleashed for you?

  • Believe you faced adversity, fear, uncertainty, pain, conflict or violence in your childhood home?
  • Know that you are not where you want to be with your career, health, relationships or mindset?
  • Feel guilty, ashamed or remorseful for what happened in your childhood, as though it was your fault or your responsibility to stop what happened?
  • Resent others for “having it better” than you? Do you root for others to fail?
  • Often feel afraid, worthless, guilty, alone or unloved?
  • Feel a sense of doubt, regret and sadness about your life?
  • Avoid truly being honest in your relationships?
  • Use anger and blame to teach others a lesson?
  • Assume it won’t work out and prefer to simply expect the worst so you won’t get disappointed?
  • Question if you are “worth less” than others or that you don’t deserve anything better?
  • Allow fear to stop you from really trying or persevering after a set back?
  • Feel self conscious and believe others aren’t attracted to you?
  • Believe you faced adversity, fear, uncertainty, pain, conflict or violence in your childhood home?
  • Know that you are not where you want to be with your career, health, relationships or mindset?
  • Feel guilty, ashamed or remorseful for what happened in your childhood, as though it was your fault or your responsibility to stop what happened?
  • Resent others for “having it better” than you? Do you root for others to fail?
  • Often feel afraid, worthless, guilty, alone or unloved?
  • Feel a sense of doubt, regret and sadness about your life?
  • Avoid truly being honest in your relationships?
  • Use anger and blame to teach others a lesson?
  • Assume it won’t work out and prefer to simply expect the worst so you won’t get disappointed?
  • Question if you are “worth less” than others or that you don’t deserve anything better?
  • Allow fear to stop you from really trying or persevering after a set back?
  • Feel self conscious and believe others aren’t attracted to you?

This program is:

  • One that will empower you to become stronger, more confident, and in control of your life
  • Certain to expose the LIES you learned and unlock the TRUTHS and STRENGTHS you acquired because of what you experienced
  • About helping you see why, because of what you experienced, you’re more than you realized!

This program is NOT:

  • Therapy
  • Trying to “fix” you – you are not broken
  • Focused on the hurt in your past
  • About blaming others for where you are in your life
  • A motivational program that pumps you up but then leaves you floundering

Courage Unleashed Provides


Only you have access to your
custom program


Each day will focus on one key area, fostering mindfulness and laser focus on a daily goal.


Advisory videos and simple daily tasks will lead and support you throughout the week. You will know exactly what to do each day.


The program’s daily emails and text messages (optional) will keep you reminded, engaged, and motivated, providing reinforcement and helping you stay on track!

Best Part? You Can Access It Anywhere!

You can access COURAGE UNLEASHED anytime, anywhere, using a smart-phone, tablet or computer. All of your information is always in one place and you can go back to it at anytime.

This program understands

  • You are NOT looking for an excuse or someone to blame.
  • But you ARE trying to figure out why – why you aren’t living the life you want to live.
  • You ARE looking for what to do differently in order to get where you want to go in life.
  • You are looking for the formula and want to know that if you follow it the results will be worth it.

About Courage Unleashed

COURAGE UNLEASHED: 45 Days to Becoming Invincible is a 45-day, online self-empowerment program that was created to unlock your full potential. When you are INVINCIBLE, you are unable to be overcome. Nothing stops you. You persevere and make happen that which you desire.

COURAGE UNLEASHED takes the key concepts and content from the New York Times Bestseller, INVINCIBLE: The 10 Lies You Learn Growing Up With Domestic Violence and The Truths To Set You Free and combines them with the proven strategies of a 45 day evidence-based online conditioning program.

It’s straightforward and simple to follow
  • Enter your private online program daily for 10-15-minutes a day for 45 days.
  • Weekly videos will walk you through powerful first-person stories, insightful research, & an examination of the 10 LIES learned growing up with domestic violence & the 10 corresponding transformative TRUTHS.
  • You are never on your own. From the moment you start the program, you are accompanied by a series of advisor videos and daily reinforcements to help you stay on track.

$495 retail cost, but if you make a small donation you get access to Courage Unleashed NOW

A one-time donation of $39.95 to gets you access to the full 45 day program. Less than $1 a day! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Cancel at anytime.

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