Understand and address the impact of CDV
A Step-By-Step Guide

In order to understand childhood domestic violence, you must first understand the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) you faced in your home

Decades ago, a landmark study identified 10 types of trauma a person can experience in their childhood home.  Researchers called them Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACE’s.  Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) was one of the adversities, however, it was not called by name, adding to its lack of awareness.

The vast majority of people who experience Childhood Domestic Violence, live through several other adverse childhood experiences.

ACE Guide showing what CDV is not: It is not Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or physical or emotional neglect.

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Download the Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide takes about five to ten minutes to complete, its something you can do on your own and is worth the effort.  The most common testimonial we receive from someone after completing the exercise is, “Why hasn’t anyone ever pointed this out to me before?”

“Resilience does not come from rare and special qualities, but from the everyday magic of ordinary, normative human relationships.”– Ann Masten, Professor Institute of Child Development University of Minnesota. 

CDV Worksheets 1 & 2: Expose the lies and Reveal the Truths

What to Expect from this Exercise

We Understand:

  • You are not looking for an excuse
  • You are not looking for someone to blame
  • You want to know how it impacted you and to understand the steps to take

This Exercise Is Not:

  • Therapy
  • Trying to “fix” you – because you are not broken
  • Focused on the hurt in your past

This Exercise Is:

  • One that will empower you
  • Proven to work
  • Designed to help you reach your innate potential & to help others do the same

Expose the lies & reveal the truths - the step by step process

Step 1: Download WORKSHEET 1 below and complete the five to ten minute exercise.  This will allow you to reveal the lies – the common cluster of negative beliefs that, if unchallenged, can last well into adulthood.  These negative beliefs hold you back.

Step 2: Once the lies are exposed, you can move to the second part of the exercise and download WORKSHEET 2 and reveal the corresponding TRUTHS.  These are the empowering beliefs that you also formed, beliefs that the lies have overshadowed.

Step 3: Celebrate and congratulate yourself!  If you are ready for another step , sign up for our CDV Workshop to further prove the truths and cultivate them daily.

1) Expose the LIES
2) Reveal the TRUTHS

“No matter the adversity faced in your childhood home, there is an impact in common that goes well beyond the pain experienced in the moment.  And that is this – you form negative beliefs about yourself as a result of growing up facing adversity in your childhood home.

Negative beliefs like, I’m guilty, fearful or worthless.  In the same way that there are 10 adversities, there are 10 common negative beliefs or LIES you learns about who you believe you are, and they hold you back from reaching your innate potential and experiencing all the happiness that was meant for you.

These lies do not just go away when one reaches adulthood.  They grow stronger, unless they are challenged.  And when they are challenged, you are then able to utilize the hidden strengths the experience left behind.  I’ve developed an exercise to uncover the lies and reveal the truths – this exercise is the first step.”

- Brian F. Martin, Author of Invincible and Founder & CEO of Childhood Domestic Violence Association

Truth is more powerful than lies CDV
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