The groundbreaking “Dr. Phil” episode featuring Makers of Memories that focused on the impact of childhood exposure to domestic violence will re-air Tuesday, March 20th. It originally aired January 16th on CBS affiliates nationwide, receiving a tremendously positive response. If you missed it the first time , here is another opportunity to watch or tape it.
This unprecedented episode, which represented the first time a significant national television program has dedicated an hour of programming to what UNICEF calls “one of the most damaging, unaddressed human rights violations in the world today,” was seen by four million viewers. After the episode aired, the family that appeared on the show visited Makers of Memories and participated in the filming of a groundbreaking documentary film. Through numerous conversation, Makers of Memories was able to share our powerful messages for resiliency and inspire a significant shift in the children’s fundamental beliefs and world view.
This high-profile episode is a milestone on behalf of the 5 million children in the US who were exposed to domestic violence in 2011 and the 40 million US adults who were those children and still live with the emotional scars and falsehoods. Without an interception and the proper example, children born and raised in homes where violence is considered normal are two-thirds more likely to repeat the cycle of violence in adulthood, as the next generation of victims or perpetrators. Empowering these children and the adults who were these children is critical to disrupting the cycle of violence.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to ask for your partnership in bringing about positive transformational change in the lives of the millions of children and adults who’ve experienced domestic violence. We would greatly appreciate your support and contributions to our work to combat this epidemic in our society. To join our cause, here are some simple things you can do:
Visit to learn more about our mission and work, or gain resources that can be helpful if you or someone you know is in need.
Watch the March 20th “Dr. Phil” Show, then email and Facebook the producers to tell them how important this topic is to you. Tell your friends and acquaintances to watch this episode, or share this blog to spread the word.
Visit our Facebook page at, “like” us to show your support, and comment on our posts to let us know what you think or what actions you’re taking.
Make a donation to help advance our work and impact here on our website (by clicking the Donate button on our homepage), by calling 212-330-8016 x223, or by sending your gift to The Makers of Memories Foundation, 1133 Broadway, Suite 708, New York, NY 10010.
Thank you so much for caring about this cause and for helping make a difference. With your support, we can heal the hurt and break the cycle.
Brian F. Martin, Founder
The Makers of Memories Foundation
What, please, was the outcome here? I read on another message board that the wife was killed, but that the child who called and the baby were not. My siblings & I were forced to grow up listening to our parents fight although it was, largely verbal, that was bad enough. Did the police turn up and take the wife and children to safety? Thank you.
Hi Catherine, thanks for writing. The child from the 911 call and her mother are both alive and well. No one lost their lives. The family from the Dr. Phil episode also are all fine, except for the mother’s best friend, who was sadly killed in the altercation. The father received a 32-year prison sentence and the family has been picking up the shattered pieces for 5 years, with many mental and emotional scars to overcome. Our documentary, The Children Next Door, chronicles the family’s life after the incident and their difficult journey to make sense of and constructively deal with the long legacy of domestic violence which ended so tragically. Our film is an example of the premise of the caring adult stepping in to transform a child’s life, which researchers believe is one of most critical factors in fostering resiliency in children who’ve been impacted by violence. See the trailer at: