If you grew up in a home with domestic violence, your basic needs were not met – the need to feel safe, to feel loved, and to feel important. You felt a pain that is unique to those who, at the most vulnerable point in their lives, have seen the people they love hurt each other over and over again and were powerless to stop it, all the while knowing it would happen again.
As a child, you survived difficulties that most people will never have to face. You overcame obstacles on a daily basis that most cannot even comprehend. And yet, here you are today. You are alive. Just by living through what you did and coming out of it, you are already incredibly accomplished.
People who grow up living with domestic violence are 6x more likely to commit suicide. Since you are here reading this today, you are accomplished. Those who grow up living

120316-A-XN107-604 Soldiers climb an obstacle during a noncommissioned officer professional development event at Fort Bragg, N.C., on March 16, 2012. The soldiers, assigned to the U.S. Army Reserve Command headquarters, negotiated the obstacles and provided teamwork when necessary to complete each station. DoD photo by Timothy L. Hale, U.S. Army. (Released)
with domestic violence are also 50x more likely to suffer from addiction. If you are not addicted to drugs or alcohol beyond repair, you are accomplished. Up to 90% of prisoners in the correctional system today were once children of domestic violence. If you are not in jail and one of these statistics, you are accomplished.
You endured this when you were most vulnerable and should not have been so challenged. You paid this price early in life, but now have the reward of knowing that no obstacle you will face in adulthood can compare to what you have already conquered. Your life has been so fire tested that you are now INVINCIBLE.
You are now equipped with vast inner reserves of strength, resilience, and courage. These hidden gifts can be used to overcome whatever obstacle may come your way and achieve whatever outcome you wish.
The Truth is, no obstacle you will ever face can compare to what you went through as a child and have already conquered.
Learn about the other hidden gifts earned growing up in a home living with domestic violence.