Anger and domestic violence are an unfortunate pairing, but all-too common. You don’t have to live with the past. You don’t have to live in anger. You don’t have to live with the damage of domestic violence. You can know, accept, change and grow. I will show you how.

If you’ve read my book Invincible: The 10 Lies You Learn Growing Up With Domestic Violence, And The Truths To Set You Free, then you are aware that growing up with domestic violence is not a rare occurrence. However, you’ve also seen that you can move forward from a damaged childhood.

Domestic violence affects 1 billion people worldwide and UNICEF calls it one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today.

However even this staggering statistic can’t speak to the horrors you may have faced if you too grew up with domestic violence. Worse yet, in order to survive it, you learned defense mechanisms to minimize its emotional and cognitive impact. Experiences that are, by definition, traumatic might have simply felt like normal life to you.

The road to healing and your ability to carve out a new path and a new future for yourself require that you consider how growing up with domestic violence may still be affecting you today. Knowledge is power.

While it can be painful to consider, you actually begin to take back control of your life the moment you realize that something tragic happened to you as a child, and that it may still be affecting you today.

Although anger and domestic violence are the unfortunate cause-and-effect for so many adults, you don’t have to remain angry, and you can become a force for change.

I encourage you to share, in the comments below, what you currently believe about yourself and your childhood growing up with domestic violence. If you acknowledge this, you will become empowered.

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