In 2014, my story was featured in the UNLOVED to LOVING Chapter (Chapter 11) of the Bestseller INVINCIBLE. Since then, my life has changed a lot and continues to change – most importantly as relates to my journey to unlearn the UNLOVED” LIE and replacing it with the LOVING Truth. (For more about my story and my journey to overcome the LIES, you can view this video.)

In the months and years that have passed since the release of INVINCIBLE, I have experienced much growth and improvement. This has been seen not only professionally in my role as a child advocate and speaker, but also in my personal life as a husband and father. Just when I don’t think I could love my wife and son more than I do, I wake up the next day to realize that I can and do. My motivation every day is to make sure their lives are better than mine was as a child and that our family is living a better life, not in spite of it but because of it.

My love for my parents is stronger, even with them no longer being with us, now that I better understand their struggles and the blessings and gifts that I have gained not despite of but because of my CDV experience, plus the knowledge I have absorbed thanks to the work of everyone at CDVA.

Last but not least, I go into Valentine’s Day this year with a stronger love for myself. It is a never-ending blessing to no longer beat myself up and suffer the lack of confidence and esteem because I would constantly blame myself for what happened over 25 years ago. I know now how much value I have and have a stronger sense of my worth because of what I overcame. Loving oneself is so important for being able to give love to others.

I hope you likewise will learn more valuable lessons about love, in all its aspects, this Valentine’s Day and are able to both show and receive that love from those you care for. It is so rewarding.

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