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By Shirley Sanguino & Rithika Yogeshwarun

On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we would like to discuss the long-term impacts of childhood domestic violence, the cycle they can potentially recreate, and the multitude of women affected by violence in the home.

A significant number of women who experience violence in adulthood have witnessed or experienced childhood domestic violence (CDV). Breaking the cycle of violence often starts with addressing CDV and providing support for children growing up in such environments. CDV can have long-lasting effects on children, affecting their mental health, self-esteem, and interpersonal relationships. By tackling CDV, we’re working towards preventing future violence against women. #YouAreMoreThanYouKnow

Women Navigating Domestic Violence from Childhood to Adulthood

Women impacted by childhood domestic violence often carry the weight of early trauma into their adult lives. Growing up in environments marked by instability and fear shapes their perceptions of relationships and self-worth. The echoes of childhood trauma manifest in adulthood, influencing their emotional well-being, mental health, and ability to form healthy connections. Navigating relationships marked by echoes of their past, these women often find themselves grappling with a cycle of violence that intertwines with their formative experiences, presenting a complex narrative of resilience and struggle.

Despite enduring adversity, these women courageously strive to break free from the cycle of violence. Seeking support from compassionate communities, therapy, and advocacy services becomes a pivotal pathway toward healing and empowerment. Their journeys toward reclaiming autonomy, fostering self-love, and acknowledging the impact of childhood trauma illustrate stories of resilience, courage, and the unyielding will to rewrite their narratives beyond the shadows of childhood domestic violence.

Short-Term Effects of Childhood Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence affects many children and the short-term effects can be profound. For those who witness it in their homes, fear and anxiety become constant companions. In preschoolers, signs of experiencing violence may appear through bedwetting, thumbsucking, and increased crying and separation anxiety, while older children may struggle with guilt, low self-esteem, and physical symptoms like stomach aches. As they enter adolescence, already a challenging period, the impact of domestic violence may lead to aggression, fighting and skipping school, risky behaviors such as unprotected sex or using substances, and heightened emotional distress. Girls within this age group tend to be more withdrawn and prone to depression compared to their male counterparts. This continuum of trauma, from childhood to adolescence and beyond, underscores the enduring impact of domestic violence on young lives.

Long-Term Effects of Childhood Domestic Violence

Moving beyond the immediacy of these distressing short-term effects, the enduring consequences of childhood domestic violence become starkly evident. The long-term trajectory for the 15 million children in the United States exposed to domestic violence encompasses a heightened risk of perpetuating this cycle in adulthood, with boys witnessing violence ten times more likely to become abusers and girls six times more prone to being abused themselves. Moreover, health effects like diabetes, depression, heart disease, and obesity can also be consequences.

In addition to these detrimental impacts, another potential effect of having witnessed domestic violence in the home is the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Those who experience PTSD may struggle with flashbacks and subconsciously re-enact their trauma. For example, women who were abused by their fathers as girls, may seek out romantic partners who are also abusive. It is also more likely for women to develop PTSD than men. Understanding these long-term ramifications and the potential perpetuation of cycles of abuse begs a critical question: Can women and children recover from the traumas they’ve endured?

Can Women and Children Recover?

Recovery from the traumatic effects of childhood domestic violence is an intricate and multifaceted journey for both women and children. However, there is hope. While the scars left by such experiences run deep, healing and resilience are possible through comprehensive support systems and therapeutic interventions. For children, who respond to trauma differently, early intervention and access to specialized trauma-informed care can significantly mitigate the long-term impacts of domestic violence. The sooner that a child receives assistance, the better their potential outcome is. A stable and nurturing environment, coupled with consistent mental health support and guidance, lays the foundation for children to process their experiences. In turn, they can develop coping mechanisms, fostering resilience that can aid in their recovery. Some factors that assist in this recovery include having a good and stable support system, healthy and supportive friendships, and a good self-esteem.

The Data of women impacted by domestic violence

  • 1 in 3 women have experienced some type of physical violence in their relationship, such as slapping or pushing
  • 1 in 7 women have gotten injuries via their partner
  • 1 in 10 women have been raped by their intimate partner
  • 1 in 4 women have experienced severe physical violence, such as strangling or burning
  • 1 in 7 women have been stalked by their partner to a point in which they felt their lives were in danger
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are the most likely victims of domestic violence
  • More than 1 in 4 women ages 15 and up have experienced intimate partner violence
  • It is estimated that in the last 12 months, about 245 million women ages 15 and up have experienced domestic violence worldwide
  • In the U.S., 6% of women have experienced domestic violence in the last 12 months

Women’s Barriers to Treatment

Navigating the path to healing from childhood domestic violence presents numerous challenges for women. Their access to crucial treatment and support systems can be hindered. Stigma and stereotypes surrounding mental health concerns often dissuade women from seeking help, fostering an environment where their struggles might be stigmatized or dismissed. This societal attitude compounds the difficulties women face, particularly when they’re also parents. Despite grappling with personal trauma, being a parent demands unwavering attention. Caring for their children, makes it arduous to prioritize their own healing journey. As primary caregivers, women juggle manifold responsibilities, managing households, finances, and their own well-being, creating a balancing act where seeking help often takes a backseat.

Financial constraints pose another substantial barrier to treatment. Women are frequently paid less than their male counterparts, amplifying economic burdens and limiting their capacity to access necessary therapeutic resources. This financial strain is compounded for women experiencing domestic violence in adulthood. They might find themselves isolated from familial or communal support networks, further impeding their ability to seek assistance. This intersection of financial insecurity and the absence of a robust support system significantly hampers their path to healing from the scars of childhood domestic violence.


Understanding the profound impacts of childhood domestic violence on both women and children, along with the pervasive barriers hindering their path to recovery, is a pivotal step towards empowerment and healing. Awareness of the staggering data reflecting the prevalence of violence and the barriers faced by survivors serves as a catalyst for change. It provides a roadmap toward tailored interventions and support mechanisms that empower survivors to navigate their healing journey.

Experiencing childhood domestic violence doesn’t condemn individuals to a lifetime of suffering. It’s a crucial message underscored by the available resources and support networks dedicated to aiding survivors. By acknowledging their experiences, seeking assistance, and leveraging available resources, survivors can reclaim agency over their lives. The journey to healing from the traumas of childhood domestic violence is arduous. But it’s paved with opportunities for growth, resilience, and the possibility of building brighter, empowered futures.

Success Stories and Recovery Narratives

Having explored the impacts and challenges stemming from childhood domestic violence, let’s delve into narratives of resilience, triumph, and recovery. We draw inspiration from our own blogs, where we’ve showcased firsthand accounts of courage, perseverance, and the triumph of the human spirit. These features offer glimpses into the transformative journeys of survivors. Also they highlight the resilience and empowerment found in reclaiming one’s narrative after enduring the shadows of childhood domestic violence.

Diane, Sidney, Shirley, and Dr. Linda Olson all share profound narratives of resilience and transformation despite growing up amidst Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV).

  • Diane found solace and strength through art and literature, acknowledging the impact of her experiences and finding empowerment through creativity.
  • Sidney’s journey reveals the gradual realization of the abnormality of her home environment and the subsequent struggles with mental health and relationship dynamics. Yet, she emerged resilient, pursuing education, and dedicating herself to advocacy.
  • Shirley’s story speaks of a childhood marred by fear and traumatic experiences, leading to adult challenges.  Her story is also marked by determination and eventual success in academia and supporting vulnerable children.
  • Dr. Linda Olson’s remarkable account narrates the long-lasting effects of CDV. She acknowledges the  tragedies within her family while emphasizing the power of self-healing and breaking the cycle of abuse through education, self-awareness, and empowerment. These women’s journeys, though diverse, collectively underscore the strength and resilience found in overcoming the adversity of Childhood Domestic Violence.


Here are some resources that could offer support and guidance for individuals impacted by childhood domestic violence or seeking help:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: Offers confidential support, resources, and guidance for individuals impacted by domestic violence.
  • Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: Provides crisis intervention, information, and referrals for individuals experiencing child abuse.
  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): Offers support to survivors of sexual violence and resources for those affected by domestic violence.
    • Website: RAINN
    • Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
  • National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV): Provides resources, advocacy, and support for victims of domestic violence.
  • Love is Respect: Offers support and resources for teens and young adults experiencing dating violence.
  • Domestic Shelters: A website that offers a searchable directory of domestic violence shelters and resources across the United States.
  • Therapy and Counseling Services: Seeking therapy or counseling from licensed professionals specializing in trauma and domestic violence can also provide personalized support. Platforms like Psychology Today offer directories to find therapists near you.