8 Signs a Child is Living With Domestic Violence at Home

8 Signs a Child is Living With Domestic Violence at Home

Did you know about one in seven children grow up living with domestic violence in their homes? Fortunately, research suggests that if these children have a caring adult in their lives, they are much more likely to be resilient against the negative effects of Childhood...
The Hidden Cause of Many Behavioral Disorders in Children

The Hidden Cause of Many Behavioral Disorders in Children

Do you know a child who exhibits a behavioral disorder, such as anxiety, depression, aggression, or social withdrawal? Researchers have found that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are the root of many behavioral disorders, but there’s one ACE that many people...
4 Facts to Know About Child Abuse Prevention Month

4 Facts to Know About Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and we want to share some facts you may not know about abuse and childhood trauma. 1. Child abuse and Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) are two different things. When you read the phrase “Childhood Domestic Violence,” what do you...
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