From HOPELESS to GUIDED: Learning to Control the Meaning of Growing Up With CDV
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLEMeaning and purpose is the opposite of despair. You can’t believe your life holds meaning and also simultaneously feel hopeless. Here in this post I want to give you a glimpse of the life and future that can be yours when you...

Successful, Well Adjusted…and Still Alone After CDV?
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLESometimes the loneliest people are the ones you would never suspect are lonely. How could someone surrounded by friends, active in social activities and successful in professional pursuits be disconnected from others or feel...

A Mentor’s Advice: Ditch Your Labels
By Denise RestauriMeg Columbia-Walsh, CDV survivor, tells Forbes why she doesn't like labels, even those that denote success, like entrepreneur or CEO. Walsh believes that these labels are just a burden, a drag on one's self-esteem, and that they don't accurately...

The Underlying Essence of ANGER You Must Know as a Former Child of Domestic Violence
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLEANGER is often a dominant emotion for adults who grew up experiencing adversity in their childhood home. Much of the work we’ve done has been to define that anger, understand where it comes from, and help people beat it. Here, I...

You Can Unlearn the SADNESS You Learned Growing Up in the Grip of Domestic Violence
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLEPeople often imagine Anger to be one of the most typical responses to growing up with adversity in one’s childhood home. But SADNESS is also a dominant emotion. We grieve all the things we lost as children: our innocence, our...

The Science Behind the Unique Capacity for Compassion You Inherited Growing Up with Domestic Violence
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLEAs I mention in my book INVINCIBLE, growing up facing adversity in childhood gives you an exceptional ability to perceive and empathize with what others are feeling. You have a remarkable intuition. And this is not just a...

Four Points of TRUTH about the GUILTY LIE That Growing Up with CDV Teaches
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLE When you grow up experiencing adversity in childhood, GUILT is a common LIE you learn to believe. But it loses its power the moment you realize its nature and where it came from. By knowing the TRUTH about GUILT, you can begin...

Your Belief That No One Has or Will Ever Love You Isn’t True…and Never Was
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLE When you grow up experiencing childhood adversity, and particularly Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV), you often learn the LIE that you’re UNLOVED. And moreover, you learn to belief that you don’t really want love anyway,...

Defy the Odds After Childhood Domestic Violence and Fully Embrace the Rights You Deserve
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLE On Memorial Day, as we honor those who gave their lives to protect the fundamental premise our nation was founded on – that we as individuals are endowed with certain unalienable rights, among them the right to life, freedom,...

Did You Experience CDV and Grow Up Feeling Self-Conscious?
By Brian F. Martin, Author of INVINCIBLE Have you ever wondered why so many people who experienced adversity in childhood inevitably grow up feeling ugly, self-conscious and insecure? Here we explore how experiencing adversity in childhood can affect your self-esteem,...