Did you experience
Childhood Domestic Violence?

Here is what you need to know

How Do You Know If You Experienced CDV?

If you experienced CDV, you may not even know it…because unlike most major Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Childhood Domestic Violence remains largely unknown. Even by those who experience it as there is less than 10% awareness of CDV. 

Many mistakenly believe that because they ‘just witnessed’ the violence, nothing really happened to them.  In reality, CDV leaves an indelible mark on a life and society. Awareness is the first step towards overcoming the impact and reaching one’s innate potential.

So how do you know if you experienced childhood domestic violence? Answer the four questions to the right – if you answer yes to all, you experienced CDV .

If You Faced CDV, Here Are the Key Things You Should Know

CDV Has a Profound Impact

Growing up in that home had a profound impact on your life that can be life-long and may be invading some or all key areas of your life (physical health, emotional wellbeing, behavior and/or relationships), without you even realizing it. Learn more…

You Learned a Set of LIES

CDV encodes a cluster of negative beliefs about oneself and the world early in life that skew the cognitive belief system. If left unchallenged, these LIES can lead to a lost list of dire consequence and statistics later in life. Learn more…

You Are Not Alone!

If you experienced CDV, you may think you were the only one. But the reality is, 1 in 7 people grow up with domestic violence – that’s 1 billion poeple globally. And you don’t have to travel the path to healing alone – we’re here to help. Learn more…

You CAN Reclaim Your Life

If you experienced CDV, you may this you were the only one. But the reality is, 1 in 7 people grow up with domestic violence – that’s 1 billion poeple globally. And you don’t have to travel the path to healing alone – we’re here to help. Learn more…

Here Is What You Can Do Today to Start Reclaiming Your Life

If you’re a young person experienced CDV, you can learn more by going to the page specifically designed for you – click here

If you experienced CDV in your childhood and have only recently come to understand that you experienced “something”, you’re already ahead of the curb. Most go their entire lives without being aware or connecting the dots to the challenges they face today. But you are now AWARE. 

1)  AWARENESS of this THING and knowing what to call it – Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) – is the first step to reclaim your life. The first button below will connect you to our very large social community where you can continue building awareness, knowledge, and power in numbers. 

2) SHARING is the second step, as conversation transforms the meaning and can get you on a path to unlearning the LIES you picked up in that home that may be holding you back.The second button below prompts you to share with us, to help empower others’ healing journey and your own.

3) UNLEARNING THE LIES is the third step. Sharing can kick-start the process, but there is more work for you to do and daily repetition is key. You can take simple steps each day that take little time but make a big difference. The third button below will take you to our FREE CDV Workshsheets, which will guide you through simple techniques and steps that can help you identify the LIES in your life and begin to overcome the impact.