Every year around the holidays, we engage in the tradition of gift-giving. We gift to our loved ones, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances the gifts we believe they deserve or the precious tokens we think will enrich their lives and make their lives more fulfilled. So, we rush to stores to buy presents and we eagerly congregate around the holiday tree to gift them to the ones we love, impatient to see their expressions and pleased for the happiness these gifts will bring to them.

But the one gift almost never given – the one almost always forgotten – is a gift to ourselves. We rarely remember to give ourselves a gift for the holidays and when we do, it is often a material item we can tangible use – usually something we’ve been eyeing for some time that no one else has gotten us. But this is rare, as we focus the bulk of our gift-giving on others around us instead during the holidays.

If you’re a child of domestic violence, consider starting a new tradition this year. We all know the popular adage that “charity starts at home,” so consider giving yourself a precious gift this year – one that you can’t put into a box or stuff into a holiday stocking. Give yourself the ultimate gift that keeps on giving – freedom from Childhood Domestic Violence!

If you experienced childhood domestic violence and still struggle with the impact, if it still holds your life hostage, still keeps you from going after the things you want, still prevents you from reaching your goals, still robs you of a bright future, and still keep you from being the best spouse, father, mother, sibling, friend, coworker, or person you can be, give yourself the chance to change that. Set yourself free from CDV and get a fresh start in life by getting help today. Visit www.cdv.org, learn the TRUTH, and start healing!

Learn how childhood domestic violence impacted your life, how it changed who you are or were meant to be, and how it still impacts your beliefs, everyday decisions, and life-path. Unlearn the LIES you learned about yourself and the word around you as a child of domestic violence. Learn the TRUTHTS and change the course of your life. Discover the confidence, passion, conviction, gratitude, compassion, pride, hope, self-love, trust, and love that were always there but you may not have ever known were inside you. Begin to heal and overcome the damaging effects that keep you from your full potential.

The best gift you can give this year, not only to yourself but to others around you, is to become healthy, happy, accomplished, fulfilled, and whole. The legacy of childhood domestic violence robbed you of this. But it is never too late to turn that around and start over.

So, as you go through the holiday ritual of gift-giving, begin a new tradition by giving yourself the ultimate gift – the help to free yourself from your past and become the person you were always truly meant to be. This is one gift money can’t buy – a gift with value too high to measure that all your loved ones will rejoice in.

Every journey begins with a single step. Take the first step today and change your life. Go to www.cdv.org.

Wishing you a Happy, Peaceful, and Rewarding Holiday!

From the Staff at CDV

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