Transforming Resentment into Compassion

Transforming Resentment into Compassion

By CDVWe learn 10 pervading lies while growing up with domestic violence. I discuss each one in my book Invincible.In this blog post, however, I want to particularly highlight the lie of resentment. This is a poisonous emotion that makes it impossible to experience...

Why Adults Remain Silent about Domestic Violence

Why Adults Remain Silent about Domestic Violence

By CDVAs we face society’s relative silence around children living with domestic violence and the adults who grew up with it in the past, it helps to also consider why adults might choose to remain silent about any domestic violence they are involved in or are...

Leaders and Celebrities Who Grew Up With Domestic Violence

Leaders and Celebrities Who Grew Up With Domestic Violence

Did you know that some of the most accomplished and celebrated people grew up living with domestic violence?As we begin to look at the unsung gifts of adversity, I want to acknowledge those in the spotlight who have overcome their childhoods growing up with domestic...

Do You Feel Alone After a Childhood of Domestic Violence?

Do You Feel Alone After a Childhood of Domestic Violence?

Life after a childhood of domestic violence can feel very lonely. Such children learn early on that it can be safer to isolate themselves, plus they develop the belief that they cannot trust others – and so they keep everyone at a distance. The good news, however, is...

Why We Need Some Name Calling Right about Now

Why We Need Some Name Calling Right about Now

Name-calling is often a sign of bullying. When growing up with domestic violence, however, it is the lack of naming that is damaging. What if defining that complex experience could actually help you heal it?For example, as society came to define and name violence...

Believing the Lie That It’s Safer to Be Alone

Believing the Lie That It’s Safer to Be Alone

Children who grow up with domestic violence often learn the lie that it’s safer to be alone. They learn that when you let others into your heart or your home, that they can hurt you if they want to. Such children also learn that just because they trust someone doesn’t...

Why We Feel Alone: No One Talks About It

Why We Feel Alone: No One Talks About It

It is common to feel alone when growing up with domestic violence. No one talks about it. We grow up believing our experiences are normal, and that our feelings are wrong, or they make us weak. The good news is that this is beginning to change.Governments worldwide...

Are You a Child of Domestic Violence?

Are You a Child of Domestic Violence?

Do you know if you are a child of domestic violence?Don’t be surprised if you’re not quite sure, or if your mind attempts to discount any "trouble" you may have experienced at home while growing up. Unfortunately, few people are aware of the impact on life that...

Leaders and Celebrities Who Grew Up With Domestic Violence

Bill Clinton Weighs in on Ray Rice

Bill Clinton, a survivor of CDV, spoke in an extended CNN interview about NFL player Ray Rice, criticizing his light punishment and calling for more a more active response from the NFL and the sports community. Clinton also discussed his skepticism of Rice's claim...

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