From Parent to Parent: A Message about Childhood Domestic Violence
Contributed by Ann Cuthbert LivingstonI write these words to you…my fellow parents.I write them, not as a professional, or someone with a degree, but as a mom of 5 children who were a part of this messed up world I lived in – this world of domestic violence that you...

In the Spotlight – ROGER LOCKRIDGE Lewisburg, WV Child Advocate Fitness Expert & Writer, Bodybuilding.comSome of Roger’s earliest memories, dating back to the early '80s, are memories of the many nights of violence at home. Memories that are vividly embedded in...

What is the Neurobiological Impact of Violence in Childhood?
By guest blogger Caroline AbbottI came upon some articles recently that describe the neurobiological affects of experiencing violence in childhood.According to one article, when a child experiences violence, this can actually change the way the child’s brain develops....

The Wellbeing of Your Child in a Home with Domestic Violence
Victims of domestic abuse often have a very hard time leaving their abuser. This is especially true if they have children. Abusers keep them under their control using many methods. One of the most often used methods is to threaten harm to the children if the...

Am I worth-less? Why do children of domestic violence often feel unimportant in childhood & throughout life? How can they feel accomplished and important?
“THEY DIDN’T RESPOND TO MY TEXT. OR MY EMAIL!”Are you to be ignored? Are your needs not to be paid attention to? Are you so unimportant in their eyes that they believe they can get back to you when they damn well please? You asked them a question by email yesterday...

Charity Benefit & Special Film Screening Spotlighted Silent Epidemic
Guests Previewed Unique Award-Winning Documentary that Tells the Story of Children of Domestic Violence in Their Own WordsShortly before the holiday season, Children of Domestic Violence hosted a special evening dedicated to putting the spotlight on what UNICEF calls...

Our Landmark Documentary Short about Children of Domestic Violence Winner at DOC NYC film festival!
THE CHILDREN NEXT DOOR, our documentary short about domestic violence as seen through the eyes of a child, held its New York City premiere on November 12th at DOC NYC, the world renowned documentary film festival, and was selected for the prestigious Special Jury...

Makers Calls on Schools and Homes to Join Crusade against Domestic Violence through Active Awareness & Education Initiatives
As a blogger for Makers of Memories, who has spent a fair amount of time as a volunteer in the domestic violence realm, the subject of ending domestic violence comes up often in my thoughts. One of the five components of the action plan at Makers of Memories to...
Don’t Miss the Groundbreaking “Dr. Phil” Episode on Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence Featuring Makers of Memories
The groundbreaking “Dr. Phil” episode featuring Makers of Memories that focused on the impact of childhood exposure to domestic violence will re-air Tuesday, March 20th. It originally aired January 16th on CBS affiliates nationwide, receiving a tremendously positive...

Safety Plans Can Help Keep Children Out of Harm’s Way In Domestically Violent Homes
When violence is occurring in the home and a child is present, things can quickly go from bad to worse. Perpetrators may use the child as a pawn to tip the power equation, direct their rage toward the child, or the child could get caught in the crossfire...