How Domestic Violence Impacts Children’s Learning

How Domestic Violence Impacts Children’s Learning

  By Shirley Sanguino In the United States, 1 in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence (DV) each year, and 90% of these children witness the violence that occurs in their homes. In homes with domestic violence, children are negatively impacted at all stages of...

How Did COVID-19 Impact Domestic Violence and Children?

How Did COVID-19 Impact Domestic Violence and Children?

By Shirley Sanguino Indeed, we all remember March of 2020, when coronavirus, COVID-19 brought the world into a complete lockdown. It caused daily activities such as school and work to become remote. It also required everyone to create ingenious ways to stay active at...

Is Growing Up with Domestic Violence One of the ACEs?

Is Growing Up with Domestic Violence One of the ACEs?

Researchers have identified ten Adverse Childhood Experiences, known as ACEs. These are linked to childhood trauma, chronic illness, mental health problems, and other challenges that can impact a child’s entire life. Some of these ACEs include physical abuse, sexual...

Shedding the Lies of Toxic Shame

Shedding the Lies of Toxic Shame

Why do children that grow up with Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) develop the feeling of toxic shame? Children who grow up with domestic violence (DV) often feel guilt and worse, shame. They grow up to have and accept guilt that they do not deserve. These children...

The Hidden Cause of Aggression in Children

The Hidden Cause of Aggression in Children

By Shirley Sanguino Ever wondered why there are children who display a calm demeanor and others who exhibit  more aggression? If so, have you taken the time to think of what has led this child to become this way? There are many contributors, such as health problems,...

8 Signs a Child is Living With Domestic Violence at Home

8 Signs a Child is Living With Domestic Violence at Home

Did you know about one in seven children grow up living with domestic violence in their homes? Fortunately, research suggests that if these children have a caring adult in their lives, they are much more likely to be resilient against the negative effects of Childhood...

The Hidden Cause of Many Behavioral Disorders in Children

The Hidden Cause of Many Behavioral Disorders in Children

Do you know a child who exhibits a behavioral disorder, such as anxiety, depression, aggression, or social withdrawal? Researchers have found that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are the root of many behavioral disorders, but there’s one ACE that many people...

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