Last month, we told you about the millions of children who were looking forward to going back to school because it offered a much-needed escape from the violence they see daily in their homes. We also shared some examples of innovative schools that were making noble efforts to help these children who are experiencing Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV). But what happens to the children of domestic violence who do not attend one of these schools?

The reality is that most schools do not have the tools or education needed to adequately address CDV, which affects an estimated 15+ million children in the US – 1 in 5 children. Without this information, caring adults who interact with these children daily may not be able to step in and help them unlearn the LIES or negative beliefs they learn in their homes, which can then follow them for the rest of their lives and rob them of their full potential and the lives they were meant to have.


What can you do?

Even with the new school year already in full swing, it’s not too late to help change the odds for these children. And you don’t need to write a large check to do that. Here are simple and small ways you can help schools reach hundreds of under-served children who are struggling with CDV.


Send a book to your local school

The New York Times Bestseller, INVINCIBLE, is the first and only book to offer a deeper understanding of the concerns and challenges of growing up with domestic violence and proven strategies anyone can use to reclaim their life and future. Add this book to your local school’s library or send it to a school counselor or teacher by simply clicking the button below.

Donate a Book


Give a CDV Toolkit to a school’s counseling office

To build awareness, understanding, and sharing surrounding the issue of CDV, we created the CDV Toolkit – a compilation of the essential tools we’ve developed over the past 10 years to help those impacted by CDV… or those who care for, work with, and mentor them. Click the button below to donate a Toolkit to a local school, providing it with the tools necessary to help change thousands of lives.

Give a CDV Toolkit

Make a monetary contribution

We are continuously working with leading researchers and a large network of partner organizations to help raise awareness of CDV and develop new tools and resources to reach those impacted. Your monetary gift will ensure that the CDV conversation doesn’t end and that those who need help get it.

Make a Monetary Donation

With your help, we can begin to turn the tide on CDV and curb its profound and potentially life-long impact on 1 in 7 people across our communities.

Thank you very much for your support!

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