In the Spotlight – Caroline Abbott Community Advocate Author, blogger www.carolineabbott.comCaroline Abbott is a former child of domestic violence who is now a self-published writer, blogger, and community advocate, working to support and empower others who are...

Did you grow up living with domestic violence?
Last week, I was hosting a dinner party at a restaurant. As we were getting settled at the table, I saw the server and stood up to introduce myself. My mother was a waitress her entire life and I was a busser and waiter for six years, so I think in part my past...

Savior One Night, Target the Next – Growing Up With Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
According to research, if you grow up living with domestic violence, there is a 50% chance you also experienced physical child abuse.How confusing it is to one night be a savior, in that you may try to stop the violence between your parents…And then the next night,...

Resiliency after Childhood Domestic Violence – Make It Count
Growing up with childhood domestic violence teaches us to believe a set of LIES about ourselves. These lies tell us we’re worthless, fearful, angry, alone, guilty, sad, hopeless, resentful, unattractive, and unloved. Though it isn’t difficult to understand what...

Unlearn the Resentment LIE Learned as a Child of Domestic Violence – Get Closer to Your True Potential!
"Resentment is the poison you drink hoping to hurt your enemy." –Nelson MandelaHolding on to the injustice done to you as a child can cause you even more pain today, as resentment leads to emotional paralyzing. Remember, forgiving is NOT excusing or forgetting. And...

Can Children of Domestic Violence Hope for Healthy, Loving Relationships as Adults?
The answer is absolutely! Growing up in a home with domestic violence, one's perception of a healthy, functional relationship becomes greatly skewed. Instead of seeing adults who are loving towards one another, respect each other’s needs and boundaries, and work...

5 million children are impacted in the US by Childhood Domestic Violence. Yet, why is nobody talking about?
5 million children in the US alone grow up living in homes with violence every year. 5 million children all have something in common that defines their lives for years to come - they're children of domestic violence.How is it that there is currently less than 10%...

Join CDV in Marking “Loving on Me Day” by Loving & Respecting Yourself!
With Valentine’s Day just a day away, many children of domestic violence are painfully reminded how alone and unloved they felt growing up. Many still do to this day, believing one of the most pervasive LIES that childhood domestic violence teaches – that they are...

Growing Up with Domestic Violence Makes You Stronger
When I tell people that I grew up in a home where there was severe domestic violence, I get a few different reactions. For some, it’s pity – “Oh. poor you. How did you ever survive that?”For others, it’s disbelief – “But how could you have grown up like that? You’re...

Give the Ultimate Gift This Holiday Season – the Gift that Keeps on Giving!
Every year around the holidays, we engage in the tradition of gift-giving. We gift to our loved ones, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances the gifts we believe they deserve or the precious tokens we think will enrich their lives and make their lives more fulfilled....