How I Broke The Cycle Of Domestic Violence In My Family

How I Broke The Cycle Of Domestic Violence In My Family

Author Kristine Fredheim writes a personal account of the pain brought on by her parents’ violence towards each other. After experiencing them abuse each other physically and verbally for years,Kristine inherited some of their behaviors. According to leading...
What It’s Like to Witness Domestic Abuse as a Child

What It’s Like to Witness Domestic Abuse as a Child

It took Claudia Martine decades to realize how profound and lasting the impact of Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) is. As an adult, she is finally opening up about the trauma she faced in childhood, in order to begin to heal.    She is one of the lucky ones. Most who...
A Mother’s Day Note:  Did Your Mom Grow Up with CDV Too?

A Mother’s Day Note: Did Your Mom Grow Up with CDV Too?

If you grew up living with domestic violence, Mother’s Day may bring conflicting emotions, as it may remind you of what your mother went through in your childhood home. But perhaps it has never occurred to you – as it typically doesn’t – that maybe your mom grew up...